The Belgian Sarens team completed the installation of 4 Enercon E-66 wind turbines in the Mogilev region, the Republic of Belarus. One of the most important conditions of the client was the execution of work in the shortest possible time due to failure to provide the crane from another local company.
The team configuration successfully installed the Eneron E-66 1.8MW with a hub height of 66 m and a rotor diameter of 70 m.
Due to the good preparation of the client (at all 4 sites rotor blades were assembled before the arrival of the big crane), as well as the skills of Sarens staff and representatives of the installation organization, the average time of installation of one wind turbine was 11 hours.
On the recommendation received for work on the project near Mogilev, Sarens in June installed 3 more similar wind turbines of the same model near Novogrudok, Belarus. Because the sites were located in the lowlands, the client additionally installed foundations with a height of about 7 meters at each wind turbine. A flexible schedule of work on our part (the start of work at 3 am) made it possible to realize this project in short terms, despite the weather conditions.