SeaMade reaches financial close

Belgian developer SeaMade NV reached financial close for the 487 MW offshore wind farm SeaMade. SeaMade is a combined offshore wind farm consisting of the 252 MW Seastar and 235 MW Mermaid offshore wind farms. With the news of the financial close came the announcement of contract awards for the turbines, foundations, substations and cables.

SeaMade is a partnership between Otary RS NV (70 %), Eneco Wind Belgium SA (12.5 %) and ENGIE Electrabel NV (17.5%). The combined wind farm is the biggest ever built and financed in Belgium.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy was awarded the supply and commissioning of 58 units of the SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbine and a 17-year Service agreement. The company will deliver 30 turbines for Seastar and 28 turbines for Mermaid.

The turbines will be installed on monopile foundations. Dredging International received the EPCI contract for all foundations as well as the inter array cables.

Offshore substations
The substations, one for each wind farm, are provided by a partnership between GeoSea, Smulders and ENGIE. They will be responsible for the design, construction, installation and commissioning of the substations.

Export cables
Hellenic Cables and Tideway will be responsible for the export cables that will link the substations to the Elia Modular Offshore Grid. The two 220 kV export cables have a combined length of 28 km.

Offshore construction is to start in the summer of 2019. The wind farm needs to be operational before the end of 2020, providing green energy to around 485,000 households. Photo Otary

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