Public consultation on grid connection North of the Wadden Islands

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) and TenneT have invited the public to contribute ideas for the underground high-voltage connection for the 700 MW offshore wind farm North of the Wadden Islands (Ten Noorden van de Waddeneilanden).

North of the Wadden Islands is located in the proximity of Gemini and covers 200 km2. It will have a total power capacity of 700 MW. The wind farm will be connected to the onshore grid via an underground 220 kV high-voltage cable between an offshore substation and an existing onshore high-voltage station. The wind farm is part of the Government’s Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap for new offshore wind farm between 2024 and 2030.

TenneT and EZK want to involve the public at an early stage. The most promising projects will be included in the research phase which is planned for after the summer. Also, this way possible challenges can be identified at an early stage. Interested parties can review and comment on the intention and participation proposal till 18 april 2019.

Last year, a first exploratory investigation into possible cable routes was performed. Three possible onshore connections were identified, being Eemshaven, Vierverlaten (near Groningen) and Burgum. Starting this spring, work sessions are held with governments and interest groups and open days are organised for the public.

The views and recommendations will be incorporated into a memorandum on scope and detailing (Notitie Reikwijdte en Detailniveau) which can be consulted after the summer. This is followed by an environmental impact assessment. The Minister of EZK will select a preferred alternative, based on the outcomes and after careful assessment of interests. This will be laid down in an adjustmend plan which provides the basis for the applications.

TenneT is currently working on the reinforcement of the high-voltage network at several locations in the Northern part of the Netherlands, in both the provinces of Friesland and Groningen. Examples are the planned 380 kV-connection between Eemshaven and Vierverlaten and the connection of wind farm Frylan. Source: TenneT


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