Wind Park Zeewolde B.V. has concluded all necessary purchasing contracts to realise the largest onshore wind farm in the Netherlands. The contracts have a total value of approximately 400 million Euros. In addition, a 15-year sales contract for the produced electricity is concluded.
The purchase contract for more than 320 MW of turbines has been concluded with Enercon. The German wind turbine manufacturer will provide 91 wind turbines that will replace the old 220 turbines. The purchase contract for roads, cables and foundations has been concluded with a combination of the Dutch companies Dura Vermeer and GMB. The operational-technical management contract has been concluded with specialist company OutSmart. The electricity sales contract has been concluded with the energy company Vattenfall.
“We are convinced that with these partners we can realise the wind farm speedily and firmly and also manage the wind farm well in the long term,” says WPZ BV Managing Director Sjoerd Sieburgh Sjoerdsma. “We will start building the first roads and foundations in half a year’s time. That is before the financing from the banks is arranged. An investment in a transformer station was already made last month (contract with ABB). These early investments are therefore at expense and risk of the farming community. It shows the courage of the farming community that started this project and the confidence it holds in the realization of the wind farm.”
The large scale construction of the wind farm starts after bank financing which is expected to be closed by the end of this year. The wind farm will be ready at the end of 2021.
Zeewolde Wind Farm is owned by a unique partnership of 220 farmers, windmill owners and residents. It is also unique that they make large investments even before the bank financing is complete. In the project area everyone can participate in the wind farm and almost everyone does participate. In addition, nearby residents of the towns of Zeewolde and Almere will be given the opportunity to invest. Source: Windpark Zeewolde