Eneco opens Nieuwe Waterweg Wind Farm

On 13 June, Eneco officially opened its wind farm Nieuwe Waterweg in Rotterdam, north of the Nieuwe Waterweg and the Het Scheur river. The ceremony took place in the presence of Councillor Arno Bonte (Sustainability, Air Quality and Energy Transition) of the municipality of Rotterdam.

The wind farm comprises 6 Vestas wind turbines, type V112, with each a power of 3.45 MW. These wind turbines can generate enough electricity to power all the households of the adjacent towns of Maassluis, Hoek van Holland and Maasdijk. It took around 7 months to complete the construction of the wind farm.

It is the third wind farm realised by Eneco in a short time in the Rijnmond area. Previously the Dutch energy provider built the Slufterdam Wind Farm, together with Vattenfall. Soon, Hogezandsepolder Wind Farm, located in the Hoeksche Waard, will become operational. Combined, these three wind farms provide enough electricity to power 100,000 households.

Nieuwe Waterweg wind farm is also one of the first wind farms that are being realised under the ‘Convenant Realisatie Windenergie Stadsregio Rotterdam’ (Convenant realisation of wind energy in the urban region of Rotterdam). The convenant was made in 2012 between 15 municipalities, the Province of Rotterdam, the Province of Zuid-Holland, Port of Rotterdam, Natuur- en milieufederatie Zuid-Holland and the Netherlands Wind Energy Association (NWEA), to significantly reduce the regional CO2-emission. Rotterdam aims to half its CO2-emmission within the next 10 years.

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