Permits Windplanblauw irrevocable

©Sans Fotografie

The Council of State rendered a positive judgement on the onshore wind project Windplanblauw this week. With this ruling all important required permits for the future wind project in the province of Flevoland are now irrevocable. Initiators Vattenfall and SwifterwinT can now start realising the project.

Windplanblauw concerns a repowering and redevelopment project in the north-western corner of the province flevoland, in the municipalities of Dronten and Lelystad. The current 74 wind turbines will be replaced by 61 new, more powerful turbines of 4 MW. The total rated capacity of the future wind farm is 250 MW. An annual CO2 reduction of 340,000 tonnes can be achieved with the new capacity, which is four times higher than the current total capacity. Vattenfall and SwifterwinT, a cooperation between over 150 businesses, citizens and turbine owners from the project area, are developing the project under the name Windplanblauw.

The project was initiated 10 years back. Vattenfall stated in a press release that it has started with the tender for the preparatory land works, cabling and turbine purchase. Start of construction is planned for 2021, with completion in 2022.

Windplanblauw is one of the projects identified in the ‘Regioplan Windenergie Flevoland’ which is aimed at a greener energy management, landscape improvement and a stronger economy by means of repowering and redevelopment projects. The initiators of Windplanblauw are working closely with the municipalities of Dronten and Lelystad, the province of Flevoland and the government to achieve this. Vattenfall and SwifterwinT said they will also involve the local community in their plans and actively contribute in the improvement of the communities, and Swifterbant in particular. They will now also work towards a form of financial participation and anarea-specific fund (Gebiedsfonds).


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