Streepland Wind Farm reaches financial close

On February 17, 2021, initiators, Windunie, Greenchoice and Meewind reached financial close for Streepland Wind Farm. Rabobank is financing the 3 wind turbines of the wind farm which is part of wind cluster Klaverpolder. The wind farm is expected to be operational by the end of 2022.

The Streepland wind farm is being developed by Goede Buren, an initiative of the cooperative Windunie, energy supplier Greenchoice and investment fund Meewind. The wind farm is located on the east side of the A16 / A59, near the Lage Zwaluwe train station. The 3 wind turbines are supplied by Nordex and are of the type N149-5X with 5.7 MW capacity. The turbines have a hub height of 135 meters, a rotor diameter of 149 meters and a tip height of almost 210 meters. This turbine type has been selected to create as little as possible nuisance for the environment. The wind turbines are set in such a way that all residents in the neighborhood experience zero hours of shadow cast (in the Netherlands the legally allowed limit is 6 hours per year).

Time schedule
Now that the financing has been completed, construction can start. The preparatory work by civil contractor H4A will start soon. The construction of access roads, crane hardstands and foundations will start in mid-November 2021. Screw piles are used instead of piles in the construction of the foundations. The installation of the wind turbines will follow in the summer of 2022. The wind farm is expected to be operational by the end of 2022.

Energy A16
The 3 turbines are part of the broader Energie A16 collaboration, consisting of 28 turbines that will be placed in 6 clusters along the A16 motorway over a length of approximately 28 km. These are developed by various energy companies and energy collectives. Streepland wind farm will become part of the Klaverpolder wind cluster, comprising a total of 9 wind turbines. To the east of the Streepland project, Vattenfal is already building 6 wind turbines of the same type in the Klaverpolder Wind Farm.

The 28 wind turbines already received the green light from the Council of State on 4 December 2020. In 2022, the wind turbines must generate an amount of electricity that is comparable to the energy consumption of more than 70,000 households.

25% of the yield of the wind farm benefits the local community. In addition, residents near the Streepland Wind Farm will be given the opportunity to participate financially in this wind farm. In time, this will also be possible for all residents along the A16.

In addition, Goede Buren will also alocate some of the proceeds of the wind farm locally in art and education and set up a social fund. At least 500 households in the immediate vicinity can benefit from free electricity from the wind farm. Photo: Source:

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