Status:The wind farm became operational on 20 Dec 2023
Location:App. 18.5 km off the coast of the province of Noord-Holland. Area: 125 km2,
including maintenance and safety zones
Owner:CrossWind (Eneco & Shell)
Production Capacity: 759 MW
Annual yield: 3.3 TWh
Turbines: 69 x SGRE SG 11.0 200DD
Turbine power: 11 MW
Hub height: 125.5 m
Tip height: 251 m
Rotor diameter: 200 m, Blade: 97 m (carbon)
Foundation: 70 TP-less Monopiles By Sif Holding. Diameters: 7,0-7,8 m / 8,2 m, length: 74,5 m
Transition pieces: TP-less
Towers: Welcon (DK)
Production Capacity: 759 MW
Inter-array cables: 66 kV 140 km in total By Twentse Kabel Fabriek (TKF)
Export cables: 220kV AC
Main vessels used: Aeolus, MPI Adventure and MPI Resolution (installation), Nexus (cables)
Grid operator: TenneT, using a 700 MW standardised AC connection
Substation offshore: Topside: 45 m (l) x 21 m (w) x 30 m (h) , weight: app. 3,000 tonnes.
The weight of the jacket is around 1,650 tons. By ENGIE Solutions – Iemants (BE)
Substation onshore: Wijk aan Zee
Maintenance port:
Main contractors: SGRE (turbines), Van Oord (Balance of Plant)
Power purchasers:Google

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