Offshore wind plays an important role to achieve CO2-neutral electricity production by 2050 in the Netherlands. In 2030, the Netherlands has the ambition, outlined in the Roadmap 2030, to have 11.5 GW offshore wind installed. The roll-out of offshore wind power in the Dutch section of the North Sea, however, will continue after 2030. A recently published working paper by consultancy ECHT provides first indications of an outlook onpost 2030 direct employment.
ECHT was commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) to develop the working paper. Research and analysis were done in collaboration with consultancy Qeam and consisted of desk research, industry consultation, and an extension of the Dutch offshore wind labour market indications given by Knol & Coolen (2019). Key stakeholders from the Dutch industry have been consulted to offer specific employment-related data and/or to give a reflection on this working paper. RVO provided the boundaries, the figures are therefore indicative.
The purpose of the working paper is to give first indications of an outlook on direct employment regarding post 2030 construction and operations & maintenance (O&M) of Dutch offshore wind farms based on an outlook of 55 GW capacity in 2050 (the average of two energy outlook scenarios of the North Sea Energy Outlook (NEO) of DNV GL (2020)).
Some of the conclusions provided by the paper are:
• In general, substantial post 2030 employment (Dutch and foreign) regarding Dutch offshore wind farms will be related to supply packages (mostly nacelle supply, rotor supply, turbine foundation supply, and substation supply) and operations & maintenance (O&M) (which are continuing activities during the exploitation of an offshore wind farm).
• There will be substantial post 2030 employment for involved Dutch supply chains regarding offshore installation activities and O&M. Companies in these fields will likely have the resources and the capabilities to serve the post 2030 Dutch offshore wind ambitions and the future international offshore wind markets.
• Two-third of the post 2030 supply-related direct employment will not or will hardly be related to Dutch supply chains looking at the current situation in the supply chains of the supply packages. This is mostly employment related to nacelle and rotor manufacturing and assembly. One-third could be well fulfilled by Dutch supply chains: foundation supply,
and substation supply.
• Offshore wind will be an integrated part of an offshore energy system and ecosystem. It is perceived that in various domains of this future energy system and ecosystem (new) employment opportunities will rise: ships, grippers, and cranes, green hydrogen, multi-use of offshore spatial area, nature enhancement, and decommissioning / recommissioning, and circularity.
Create policy attention on ‘strengthening the strength’ and ‘filling the gap’ with respect to Dutch supply chain involvement and related employment in offshore wind being part of an integrated offshore energy system and ecosystem. ‘Strengthening the strength’ focuses on Dutch supply chains in offshore wind that are well developed (to serve national and international markets) (e.g. foundations, substations, transport & installation (including specialistic ships, grippers, and cranes), cables, and O&M). ‘Filling the gap’
focuses supply chains where the involvement of Dutch companies is absent or very limited (e.g. supply packages on nacelles and rotors). ‘Filling the gap’ focus should also be focused on new and/or growing employment opportunities related to green hydrogen, multi-use, and circularity.
Read the full paper here. Bron: ECHT