Tennet advances Hollandse Kust (zuid) installation despite vessel collision with jacket

TenneT has concluded that the installation of the second offshore transformer platform for the grid connection of wind farm can proceed as planned following investigations into damage to the Hollandse Kust (zuid) jacket.

The jacket (substructure) that was damaged in January during Storm Corrie by a collision with the adrift vessel Julietta D has been investigated by TenneT.

The damage to the jacket, according to the investigation, is minor. After topside installation, the damaged parts of the jacket can be repaired at a later time. The Hollandse Kust (zuid) Beta topside is expected to be installed by the end of March or early April, according to TenneT.

Stormy weather causes collision

Storm Corrie stranded the freighter Julietta D. on Monday, January 31st, in the area where TenneT is constructing two transformer platforms, the Hollandse Kust (zuid) Alpha and Beta. These transformer platforms are part of the Hollandse Kust wind farm’s offshore connection (zuid). Vattenfall is constructing the wind farm. The Beta jacket collided with the cargo ship. At the time, no one was working on the platform.

Because of the persistent stormy weather in February, inspections of the damage could not be done right away. In addition to looking for visible damage above water, underwater investigations were carried out to see if the substructure had been damaged. The damage is now limited to paint damage and a few dents on one of the platform’s legs, as well as damage to one of the four landing platforms for working vessels, according to the investigation.

The wind farm

Vattenfall is building the wind farm together with its partner BASF. With an installed capacity of 1.5 gigawatts, Hollandse Kust Zuid will be the largest wind farm at sea in the world. Vattenfall will make a considerable part of the fossil-free electricity generated by the wind farm available to Dutch households and business customers. BASF will use its share to make various production sites in Europe more sustainable.

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