Heerema develops new installation method for floating wind

Heerema has developed a novel floating wind installation method to accelerate the commercialization of offshore floating wind.

Recognizing the logistical challenges of large-scale deployment, Heerema Marine Contractors developed a new method of building offshore floating wind farms. The company has extensive experience with the complexities of installing floating structures offshore, thanks to its fleet of floating crane vessels.


Heerema developed the Floating to Floating installation method to address industry challenges such as efficient resource utilization, such as steel and port infrastructure, offshore logistics and maintenance, and achieving the required scale and rate of installation.

Several methods for assembling floating foundations (floaters) in port before wet-towing to the field are being proposed at the moment. This creates logistical challenges as well as a strain on the number of available harbors.

As a result, Heerema devised an alternative method that eliminates the need for marshalling yards and does not necessitate the use of a wet-tow. Floaters can be built on land and then dry-towed to their destination using the floating to floating installation method. They’ll be installed once they arrive, with Heerema’s floating installation frame lifting the floaters from the ship. They will then be installed on the job site.

The floaters will be weighted down and submerged in Heerema’s floating installation frame, eliminating the need for high-tech ballasting or tensioning systems and shortening installation time. Bottom foundation work can be completed concurrently by utilizing the capabilities of Heerema’s semi-submersible crane vessels.


By eliminating wet-towing, the floaters’ volume and weight are decreased. It is also possible to optimize the floater and wind turbine generator only for in-place conditions because they are lifted directly from the transportation asset.

Installation requirements like ballasting provisions can be integrated into reusable installation tooling to create low-tech floaters. There is less demand on port space and draught due to the elimination of floater and WTG in-port assembly.

Decoupling floater and WTG campaigns reduces supply chain pressure and results in a more efficient process with floating to floating installation.

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