Jetten received summary report of HyDelta at Wind Meets Gas symposium

Dr. Julio Garcia, the project’s director, presented the summary report of the HyDelta hydrogen research program to Dutch Minister Rob Jetten of Climate and Energy Affairs at the Wind Meets Gas symposium in Groningen (New Energy Coalition).

The findings of urgently required research into the extensive use of hydrogen in transport and distribution within the current gas infrastructure are presented in this report of the first phase (HyDelta 1). The following phase, HyDelta 2, is now monitoring the Dutch research program, with findings anticipated by mid-2023.

In 2020, the HyDelta collaboration was established. It consists of organizations with significant expertise in studying and testing hydrogen transport and application.

The research program is concentrated on an integrated strategy for implementing hydrogen into the energy sector and for transportation. Research that is directly applicable is crucial. The program’s results are always made public and publicized.

The paper includes the findings of 37 experiments carried out in HyDelta 1. Interest in the study and research findings is growing on a global scale.

In HyDelta 2, the focus is expanded to include a study on the social and environmental implications of the economic and technological integration of hydrogen gas into the national gas transport and distribution system.

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