Construction of the wind turbine at the industrial estate Kleefse Waard (IPKW) was completed last Monday. The wind turbine is part of the Koningspleij onshore wind farm.
Koningspleij Wind Farm, located along the Pleijroute (N325) near Arnhem, is an initiative of Rijn en IJssel Energiecoöperatie (REIJE) and Prowind and consists of four wind turbines. The first three wind turbines were installed back in 2021 and have been fully operational since spring this year. The turbines were supplied by Enercon. They are type E-115 EP3 with a tip height of 177.5 m and a rotor diameter of 115.7 m.
The wind farm falls within the zoning plan ‘Windpark and zonneveld Koningspleij’ for four wind turbines and an 8.5-hectare solar park on Koningspleij Noord, on the Arnhem Kleefse Waard.
Pure Energie is the owner of the fourth wind turbine. The latest one took a while to arrive because more customisation proved necessary for the construction of the wind turbine on the industrial estate, Windpark Koningspleij reported earlier. The wind turbine is of the same type as the other three. The wind turbine is expected to generate around 8,000,000 kilowatt hours of sustainable electricity per year from the beginning of next year. Watch the video, by IPKW/Al Hajem