Vattenfall and Energiecoöperatie Echteld-Lienden developing Energiepark Echteld-Lienden

Vattenfall and Energiecoöperatie Echteld-Lienden will assess how the environment may impact Energiepark Echteld-Lienden development.

In order to collaboratively evaluate how the environment might be involved in and benefited from the development of the Energiepark Echteld-Lienden along the A15 in the municipalities of Buren and Neder-Betuwe, Vattenfall and Energiecoöperatie Echteld-Lienden have signed a statement of intent.

The name of a number of projects on both sides of the A15 close to Echteld is Energiepark Echteld-Lienden. Vattenfall is building a solar park on Panderweg on the north side, and a solar park on Spoorstraat on the south side.

Vattenfall is also looking into the viability of a wind farm on both sides of the A15. It entails removing the four wind turbines on the south side that belong to Vattenfall and installing new ones on the north side. Vattenfall is looking into the idea of putting seven to eleven wind turbines together. The municipalities of Neder-Betuwe and Buren will thereafter receive these wind turbine installations. The quantity and location of wind turbines are still to be determined. In the province of Gelderland, the spatial process will begin in 2023.

Local participation

The goal is for new initiatives to have 50% local ownership, which will improve support in the community.

In the following period, the two sides will explore how they will integrate local ownership in the projects. The province, municipalities, and the environment are all consulted on this, as well as the environment. On first information for the first, 29, the 29,, the first information night for the 29, 29, local local inhabitants, thinking thinking how local local local citizens, how, local local, local,

Image source: Vattenfall/Jorrit Lousberg

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