eConowind makes shipping greener using VentoFoil wind concept

With its VentoFoil concept, eConowind helps shipping become more environmentally friendly. It is a flexible, vertical “wing” that produces additional force from the wind.

With this, ships can already reduce their annual fuel use by up to 15%.

It is crucial for ship owners to quicken the green transformation when the CO2 tax begins in 2024. especially now that business and transportation are being scrutinized. 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions are related to international shipping. Yet, this form of transportation continues to be the most effective per tonne-kilometer.

eConowind representatives

Four Dutch shipowners have closely cooperated with eConowind and obtained knowledge of the first two VentiFoil generations. They will now lead the development of the third generation of “VentoFoils” and actively represent eConowind. Ships may now comply with more stringent environmental criteria thanks to this generation of wings’ proven savings.

Johan Boomsma of Boomsma Shipping says: “We want to show customers and competitors that shipowners can reduce their fuel consumption with a proven, affordable system. For the crew, it is easy to use; with the push of a button you can deploy and lower the sails again. Finally, and very importantly for us, eConowind speaks our language. As an exponent of the Dutch maritime manufacturing industry, it supplies high-quality equipment to shipowners. At Boomsma, we include the VentoFoils in all our new construction plans.”

Creating a lease for positive cash flow

VentoFoils are easily accessible to ship owners thanks to the use of contemporary lease structures. The wind-assisted propulsion units produce positive cash flow from day one with this financing option.

Thomas van Meerkerk of Vertom Group also sees the VentoFoil system as part of the sustainability roadmap: “With this solution, you can make the existing fleet more sustainable. As Vertom, we will deploy the system on 3 ships. We are investigating whether we can equip even more ships with these wind wings. We are also investigating if VentoFoils can be deployed on sustainable new-build ship designs in combination with, for example, hydrogen or methanol. Through the lease construction, we can deploy the VentoFoils in a cashflow-neutral way. This allows us to learn, do research and share our experiences with fellow shipowners.”


Wind is a limitless and cost-free source of power. Whether a ship is powered by conventional fuels or alternative fuels, VentoFoil systems can be installed. It can enhance renewable fuels like electricity, hydrogen, ammonia, and/or methanol. Since these fuels are frequently quite expensive, eConowind’s systems have a lower return on investment.

So, the early adopters’ conclusion is that wind-assisted propulsion is affordable, environmentally friendly, and future-proof. They have now turned into active ambassadors as a result.

Image source: eConowind

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