Sif to provide 90 monopile foundations for Baltyk II and III offshore wind projects

Sif has signed into a capacity reservation agreement with the joint venture Equinor-Polenergia (“JVEP”) for the provision of 90 monopile foundations for the Baltyk II and III offshore wind projects in Poland.

An estimated 105 kton of production volume will be produced by the monopiles.

The Polish Baltic Sea is home to the offshore wind projects Baltyk II and III, which might have a combined installed capacity of 1.440 MW. Between 22 and 37 kilometers inland, Batyk II and III together occupy an area of about 240 square kilometers. The range of water depths is between 25 to 40 meters.

The business said in a statement, “We very much look forward to jointly help develop this huge wind farm that can provide more than 2 million Polish households with green electricity.”

Image source: Sif

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