This week, Climate and Energy Minister Rob Jetten shared the Energy Storage Roadmap in a letter to parliament. The roadmap contains the expected developments and key steps to increase energy storage in the Netherlands.
Energy storage is becoming increasingly important as more renewable energy is used in the Netherlands. Not only the storage of electricity, but also of molecules (e.g. gas and hydrogen) and heat. These three forms of energy will be needed to ensure sufficient flexibility in an energy system with more variable energy sources, such as solar and wind.
Storing energy offers some major advantages for the energy system. When more renewable energy is produced than needed, for example with solar and wind power, it can be stored for periods when there is much less of it available. Another advantage is that the power grid is more relieved because not all the electricity generated has to be fed into the grid at once. In addition, storage can provide strategic stocks and security of supply.
Energy Storage Roadmap
Produced with the help of many sector parties, the Energy Storage Roadmap maps out the actions to be taken to promote energy storage, appropriate to its expected role in the future energy system, up to 2035 and beyond. The Energy Storage Roadmap looks at all forms of energy storage, divided into electricity, molecule and heat storage.
The Energy Storage Roadmap contains three main elements:
1) an analysis of the current state of energy storage in the Netherlands and an overview of expected developments in the future;
2) an inventory of actions for successful roll-out of energy storage in the Netherlands until 2035, with specific action holders and targeted deadlines;
3) an in-depth analysis in preparation for policy choices to be made for the long-term vision of the National Energy System Plan (NPE) (draft before summer, final plan end 2023).
Read the Roadmap here (available in Dutch). Source: