Change of tender closing date for geophysical survey at Doordewind Wind Farm Zone

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) issued a notice for change for the tender for geophysical survey at the offshore Doordewind Wind Farm Zone.

The European tender was published on 21 June 2023. The tender for geophysical investigations consists of 3 different lots, divided on the basis of scope and data type. Lot 1 (310 km2): Seabed survey; lot 2 (268 km2): 2D-UHRS survey + Seabed Sampling; and lot 3 (310 km2): 3D-UHRS survey.

The award criteria and points given can differ between the three lots. For lot 1, there is more focus on sustainable campaigns, for lot 2; more focus on early delivery of the processed data, and for lot 3; more focus on the acquisition parameters

The closing date for applications changed from the original date of 9 August 2023 to 16 August 2023, 12 PM (CET). Activities are expected to start on 6 October 2023 (instead of the original date of 29 September) and run untill 31 December 2025.

The deliverables of these investigations are part of the site characterisation of the Doordewind Wind Farm Zone and will be published for use by the participants in the permit tenders.

Doordewind WFZ

Doordewind, located between 77 and 102 kilometres off the coast, north of the isle of Ameland, is one of the wind farm zones that was designated by the Dutch Government in March 2022. The other two zones are Nederwiek and Lagelander.

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