Sif Group has asked ROER renewables BV to conduct an independent research on the Skybox concept which Sif developed for customers going TP-less and boatlanding-less.
Last year, Sif published a white paper with considerations when moving to TP-less foundation design. To determine whether going boatlanding-less is the next logical step in monopile foundation optimisation, unbiased research is required.
Therefore, Sif has asked ROER renewables BV (ROER) to conduct an independent study in the pro’s and con’s of omitting a boatlanding in WTG foundations. In the coming period, ROER will be performing various sector specific interviews with relevant stakeholders, such as wind farm developers, operators, manufacturers and installation contractors. All findings will be summarized in a publicly available white paper. Source: Sif
Watch also the movie on the Skybox