57 percent of Dutch farmers are considering investing in renewable energy in order to save costs, become less dependent on fluctuating energy prices, and as an additional revenue model. A majority, however, also see obstacles. This is evident from a recent survey among nearly 1,300 Dutch farmers and agricultural businesses.
The survey was commissioned by the Dutch Sustainable Energy Association (NVDE) and conducted by Nieuwe Oogst, the multi media platform for the agricultural and horticultural industries.
Climate effect
Food production and climate are closely linked. More than half (52%) of the respondents notice the effects of climate change within their own business or within the company they work for, such as more frequent and longer periods of drought (86%), followed by more frequent periods of too wet seasons (56%) and ‘damage due to heat’ (46%). The effects will most likely only increase, according to the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
Renewable energy and savings
57 percent of farmers are considering investing in renewable energy. This group is driven by several reasons. For example, for the majority of farmers cost savings plays a role (68%). Related to this, farmers indicated they want to be less dependent on fluctuating energy prices (47%). Furthermore, 40 percent of farmers see generating renewable energy as an additional revenue model and 31 percent do so to contribute to reducing climate change.
In addition to generating renewable energy, energy savings is also in demand among farmers. More than 70 percent said they will focus on energy saving solutions over the next five years. Three-quarters of farmers said they want to invest in more efficient appliances, lighting and installations.
The majority of farmers (66%) do still see barriers to applying renewable energy and energy saving within the farm. More than seventy percent find government policy too unpredictable. Furthermore, 61% advocate targeted and faster expansion of the electricity grid to avoid grid congestion. Nearly forty percent feel that licensing is too slow. Forty percent also cite uncertainties about renewable energy yields as an obstacle.
These wishes and concerns of farmers are very similar to those of other entrepreneurs. Read the report here (in Dutch). Source: NVDE