Eager.one developed innovative Anode Cage Installation Tool for DEME

Dutch engineering company Eager.one, part of the MeeMaken group of companies, has developed an innovative Anode Cage Installation Tool with an updated design, and increased capacity for DEME Offshore.

Anode cages are placed after the monopiles for wind turbines have been installed. To make this process as safe and efficient as possible, a good and reliable anode cage installation tool is essential. The Anode Cage Installation Tool has been developed for Anode Cages with a weight of 13 tons and diameter of 9.800 mm. The project was delivered with complete project support, from initial design, to fabrication, testing and final delivery and support on-site.


The project featured some challenges. The complete project had to be finalized within a tight timeframe. Next to that, the tool had a not to exceed weight target. From start engineering up to delivery at the heavy lifting vessel, these challenges were more than accomplished within a total delivery time of 6 months.


Accessibility of the tool has been an important part of the development process, both physically as remote.

First of all an interface has been created with the Anode Cage storage tower, for loading the anode cages from the anode cage tower to the ACIT and creating access to the ACIT from the Anode cage storage tower.

Furthermore, full accessibility on the tool has been arranged by means of an Ampelmann gangway. Subsequently, the ACIT can be accessed in 2 elevations, to enable several installation, inspection, and maintenance activities.


During the engineering and construction process DNV was completely involved. First, they have executed a design appraisal and fabrication surveys. Next to that DNV has witnessed the ACIT overload tests.

The fabrication process was followed by a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) at the fabrication yard, which was completed successfully, prior to delivery at the heavy lifting vessel in the harbor of Flushing, the Netherlands.

On-site support

After arrival on the mobilization yard the Eager.one team performed inspection, commissioning, and training activities on-site.

As part of the complete project support, Eager.one staff was onboard the installation vessel during the first installations to support the DEME installation crew.

Also, as a back-up or the offshore support, the ACIT can also be accessed remotely via an ethernet connection for troubleshooting support from the Netherlands.

Source: Eager.one

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