Commissioned: Officially opened on 29 August 2024
Location: In the municipalities of Dronten and Lelystad, province of Flevoland. It concerns a repowering project whereby 74 old wind turbines are replaced by 61 new, more powerful turbines on land and outside the dyke (nearshore), in the IJsselmeer
Owner: Vattenfall and SwifterwinT
Production capacity: 340 MW (132 MW nearshore)
Annual yield: Onshore: app. 750.000 MWh
Turbines: 24 GE Cypress 5.5 MW nearshore & 37 EnVentus Vestas V162-5.6 MW onshore 
Turbine power: GE Cypress: 5.5 MW, Vestas 5.6 MW
Hub height: GE Cypress: 125.7m, Vestas: 136m & 168m
Tip height: GE Cypress: 202m, Vestas: 213m & 249m
Rotor diameter: GE Cypress: 158m
Cables: 29 km of cables, 160 km on land from the wind turbines to the substation and 6.5 km cables from substation to TenneT high voltage station
Substation: 150/33kV substation at Swifterbant. Closed Distribution System Hitachi Power Grids
(sub)Contractors: Vestas (turbines), GE (turbines), Ballast Nedam (contractor foundations nearshore), Hitachi Power Grids, Koninklijke Sjouke Dijkstra, Dura Vermeer

All images © BGF

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