Investigated sites along Dutch highway A28 and defense sites suitable for wind turbines

Results of initial studies into the possibility of wind turbines in locations managed by the Dutch national Goverment along the A28 highway and the Leusderheide and Vlasakkers defense sites show that configurations that meet noise and shadow standards are possible for all locations.

Research is being conducted on the possibility of generating solar and wind energy on locations management by the national government. One of the projects is focused on sites that are also included in the Regional Energy Strategies of U16 (Utrecht and surroundings) and Amersfoort in 2021. These are sites along the A28 between Utrecht and Amersfoort (including defense site Leusderheide) and along the railroad between Amersfoort and Utrecht (defense site Vlasakkers).

Over the past six months, studies have been conducted on what effects noise and cast shadow from wind turbines have on the surrounding area. The Supplementary Studies for these topics, and the results of the studies on the effects on aviation and ecology are expected after the summer. A decision on the continuation of the project will then be made.

Feasibility of different setups

The study was done with “research setups” for different sizes and numbers of modern wind turbines in different locations. Studies of the possibilities for solar panels will follow at a later date. Besides the effects of noise and cast shadow, safety was also investigated and the expected energy production calculated.

During discussions with interest groups, landowners, businesses and resident groups, one of the issues raised was the addition of noise as a concern. Additional studies will also examine this.


At the end of 2024, when all research results are available, the cooperating authorities will make a decision on whether and how the project can proceed. If the decision is positive, follow-up research will be conducted into ecology, how the generation fits in with the current use of the exercise grounds and the road, and the influence of the environment on the project will be shaped further. The search for a market party to further develop and realize the projects will then begin. The aim here is at least 50% local ownership. Source:

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