The operational onshore wind capacity in the Netherlands increased by 771 MW (net) in 2023. This is a growth of 12.75% from 2022. Together, this new installed capacity accounts for an annual electricity generation of 2.8 TWh on average. This is according to the annual ‘Monitor Wind op Land’ (onshore wind monitor) by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
The growth in 2023 was almost similar to 2022, when 759 MW of onshore wind capacity was added. A total of 11 projects were realized last year. The growth was mainly due to the construction of several large wind farms: Maasvlakte 2 and Windplan Groen and Windplanblauw in the province of Flevoland.
By the end of 2023, 6,816 MW of wind power capacity was installed in the Netherlands, together accounting for 20.7 TWh per year. Flevoland, with an expected energy generation of 6.11 TWh, currently provides the most wind energy per year. Groningen is second with 2.73 TWh and Friesland third with 2.00 TWh. It is notable that the distribution of realized, but also still expected wind projects, is very unevenly distributed across the country. For example, the regions of Zuid-Limburg, Amersfoort and Twente do not yet have any wind turbines installed at all.
In addition, at the end of 2023, 538 MW (430 MW in 2022) of capacity was still involved in planning and permit procedures.
Slower growth expected in coming years
A total of 1,292 MW is in the pipeline by the end of 2023. Several projects are at an advanced stage so wind capacity is expected to increase further in the coming years. By the end of 2023, projects with an SDE decision account for a total of 370 MW net. Of this, for 311 MW the permit is irrevocable and for 191 MW construction has already started.
The status of the projects in the remaining phases varies greatly. Some of them are still in the preliminary stages and sometimes these projects have stagnated to such an extent that it is uncertain whether the project will be realized. It is also notable that few new projects are in the picture, so the number of projects in the onshore wind power pipeline is hardly increasing. Wind power generation is expected to increase to 22.2 TWh in the next 2-3 years.
Due to the Dutch State Council’s ruling on wind turbine standards, a large number of wind energy projects are still delayed or (temporarily) halted in 2023. New national standards are expected to come into effect by July 2025 at the latest.
Other factors that delayed wind turbine construction in 2023 include: Radar interference, concerns about (low-frequency) noise and cast shadow which led to objection procedures, and long delivery times of wind turbines.
Monitor Wind op Land
Every year, RVO publishes the Wind op Land Monitor. This shows the state of affairs and the most important developments for wind energy on land in the Netherlands. The target set in the Energy Agreement was succeeded in the Climate Agreement by a target of at least 35 TWh for large-scale onshore wind and solar energy generation in 2030. The ambition set by city councils, provincial councils and general boards of water authorities is higher: 55 TWh. Source: RVO Download link to full report (In Dutch)