NBOS, a consortium of Boskalis and Orient Cable, has completed the burial and pull-in of approximately 3.5 kilometers of the second export cable for the Hollandse Kust (west Beta) offshore connection in the seabed off the coast of Velsen-Noord.
After the successful migration under the dunes, the electricity cable was laid eight meters deep in the beach and in the seabed by the BSSIII burial machine. NBOS will now connect the end of the second cable to the remaining cable section at sea, using a sleeve connection. This part is laid with the installation vessel Ndurance and then buried in deeper water with the cable burial vessel the Ndeavor and the CBT 2400 burial machine.
Socket at sea
The export cable is one of two that will connect RWE/Oranjewind’s Hollandse Kust (west Beta) offshore wind farm, via TenneT’s 700 MW so-called ‘Socket at sea’ some 53 kilometers off the coast of Egmond aan Zee, to the national electricity grid. The foundation for this offshore station is already in place. The topside of the structure will be installed in spring 2025. The electricity from the export cables are transported via onshore cables to the transformer station in Wijk aan Zee from where it is transformed to 380 kilovolts for the high-voltage grid.
Now that the remaining cable installation is largely taking place at sea, the work area on the beach can be cleared. This could take some time because of possible quicksand as a result of water pressure used during cable laying. This will have to settle in before it become compact again. All remaining clearing activities are expected to be completed at the start of August. Source: TenneT All images: Jorrit ‘t Hoen