Pon powers two Dutch locations with local wind energy

Pon, active in Automotive, Pon.Bike, Equipment & Power Systems, will power its Pon equipment location in Almere and the Pon dealer in Barneveld in the Netherlands with energy from two local wind turbines. The company has partnered with the Dutch company Windunie for this purpose.

The cooperation started three months ago. Two agricultural entrepreneurs, with turbines on their farms located 11 and 22 kilometres from the Pon sites, act as energy producers. As a result, the Pon businesses at these locations run entirely on green electricity from the region.

According to Windunie, the cooperation can be called innovative and provides several benefits. Besides reducing dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, this solution also reduces the impact of grid congestion, which, especially in the provinces of Gelderland, Flevoland and Utrecht region, prevents companies from getting a new grid connection or from expanding.

Connecting supply and demand locally is a key pillar of the energy system of the future. Energy used where it is generated does not burden the power grid while smartly matching operations to regional energy supply can lead to significantly lower energy costs.

Avoiding grid congestion can mean the difference between growth or decline. The power revenues from a local solution often also stay in the region because the owner is an energy cooperative. Such local systems are called a Local4Local solution.

Producer and customer benefit from more stable energy price

Windunie has been facilitating direct and regional trade in green power since last year. Windunie has a national network of wind and solar farms and all the power it sells is 100% Dutch sustainably generated. In this way, Windunie connects agricultural entrepreneurs with a wind turbine or solar roof, to business. Customers automatically buy power at a fixed and fair price, Windunie says. As a result, both producer and customer benefit from a more stable energy price compared to, for example, buying or selling power on the day market.

om | new energy provides platform

The cooperation between Windunie and Pon also involves om | new energy, a national non-profit energy supplier that uses ENTRNCE’s trading platform to realise the direct link between producer, customer and the energy market. Source: Windunie

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